Blender Guru – The Rock Essentials for Blender Full Version Free Download | 3d-Photon | Blogspot

Blender Guru – The Rock Essentials for Blender Full Version Free Download
The Rock Essentials helps you:
Make better looking environments with photoscanned rocks
Create more balanced compositions with large rock elements
Sculpt beautiful landscapes with real rock data
Make more realistic ground surfaces with photoscanned ground materials
It’s everything you need to take your outdoor scene to the next level.
Why you need rocks
If you look out your window, chances are you’ll see rocks. You’ll find them in every environment on earth: the desert, arctic, underwater and even other planets.
In fact the human eye is so used to seeing them, that if you made an outdoor scene without any, it could look incomplete.
Simply put: rocks are an essential part of making outdoor environments feel real.
Why most rocks models look fake
The traditional approach for making something CG follows these 2-steps:
1. Model the object
2. Find a texture and apply it
And while this works well for most subjects (architecture, cars, humans etc.), rocks are different.
With rocks, the shape and it’s texture are directly linked. Meaning that when the shape changes, the texture does too:
Introducing The Rock Essentials
The Rock Essentials is a collection of 267 photoscanned rocks – the largest and most versatile collection of CG rocks ever created!
Blender Guru – The Rock Essentials for Blender Full Version Free Download | 3d-Photon | Blogspot

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